DAT EcoPatch is mounted directly on your existing sprayer equipment. Sensors are divided equally along the boom and are quick and easy to install. The central processing computer analyses the images in real time and decides whether it is beneficial to spray or not. DAT Ecopatch can be simply adjusted to spray at different thresholds based on the crop selected and conditions in your individual fields.

State of the art technology
What is unique about DAT EcoPatch is the combination of advanced deep learning machine vision, state of the art hardware and rock solid agronomical models.
The agronomy of the system is developed through many years of studies with a leading research institution within the field (NIBIO).
Not only do you reduce herbicide usage, but you also get increased yield where it is not sprayed.
Using DAT EcoPatch is like having a scientist analyzing all the individual parts of your field and deciding what action is optimal for each area, integrated pest management at its best.

Fast and consistent camera
Patented sensor designed for harsh environments. Induced airstream prevents dust and spray mist to cover the lens. LED flashes several times stronger than the sun assures high quality images no matter the conditions; both night and day.

Artificial intelligence
Cutting edge deep learning algorithms ensures instant image analysis. The plants are classified into crop and weed in real time. The thresholds are easily adjusted based on crop and weed types.

Monitor and adjust
DAT Ecopatch can easily be adjusted to spray at different thresholds based on the crop selected and conditions in your individual fields. Se the images live on your phone, a tablet or device of your choice.
Artificial intelligence
Optimized software and hardware running cutting edge deep learning algorithms ensures instant image analysis. The plants are classified into crop and weed in real time to make spray decisions as you go. The thresholds are easily adjusted based on crop and weed types, no need for manual adjustments, unless you want to.
Cost / Benefit
The threshold for spraying is determined by a research project conducted with The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy.
If the cost of spraying outweighs the benefits, including total yield of crop and cost of actual herbicide, the nozzle will remain closed.